Monday, March 31, 2008

Halle's Photo Session

We took Halle to JCPenney for her four-month pictures. My mom made her this beautiful outfit, and made her an embroidered diaper with her name on it. I didn't want to get her dressed until we got there, because I didn't want her outfit to have spit-up on it. Anyways, she fell asleep in the car about 10 minutes before we got to the mall. I was really afraid she was going to be a grouch when I had to wake her up and change her clothes. Just the opposite happened as you will see! She was a total ham!!! She grinned and laughed and was an absolute doll. Can you imagine how hard it was for us to choose pictures, and not spend a fortune? Thankfully, they sell the downloadable pictures now, so I can post all of them here for all of you to see.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

First Easter & More

Halle is growing by leaps and bounds. Her four-month checkup went well...she now weighs 13 lb., 4 oz. and is 25 1/4" long! She has two teeth, and is trying to cut more. She is now rolling over both ways, and is starting to reach for us. As you can see, she has discovered her feet, and loves to chew on her toes.

This is a cute little outfit some friends gave us. She's hanging out on Mom's bed here.

Here she's enjoying Dad's chair....I think now it's Halle's chair!

This is an outfit I bought before Halle was born. I just love it! The bad thing is that she's already too big for it!

Mommy & Halle all dressed up for church.

We had a mini getaway before Easter. This is Halle and her daddy in our hotel room.

We spent Good Friday in Butler with Grampee and Gramee Lott. Halle discovered Grampee's spoon, and managed to get it in her mouth. It was so funny!

This is Easter Sunday morning. Halle looked so adorable in her little bonnet and dress. I never could get her to smile for me, but she looked cute anyways.

Halle managed to get her Sunday morning outfit very dirty! So Sunday night she wore the outfit the Grandma Tami made for her. It's a vintage pattern, and it's so cute. We took her to JCPenney last week, and had her pictures taken in it.

I guess that's all for now! Halle just woke up, and I need to go get her. Check back soon!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Four Months Old

On Valentine's Day, we headed out for Illinois. We spent the weekend in Mattoon, where Brian preached at a Saturday evening Valentine banquet, and all day Sunday at Calvary Baptist Church. This is Halle and her daddy at church Sunday morning.
This is the "tourist attraction" of Gays, IL (where the church was located). It's a two-story outhouse!
This is Halle sleeping on the bed in the motel room.

She looks so little on that big bed! Our room was very nice. We had a great time on our trip. It was good to reunite with some old friends, as well as make some new ones.
Oh my! Halle loves to play with her daddy
Flying high!
This is Halle watching hockey with Daddy. She is so funny....she has just started noticing the television, and she is very attracted to fast-paced sports, especially hockey! Daddy is loving that.
Last week, we went to visit my sister, Alicia, in West Union, OH. We were able to spend three days. We had such a good time. Here Halle is getting a kiss from Aunt Alicia.

Here she's giving one back! She really loves kisses. It's so cute.

I had to put this picture in. This is my niece Audrey. She got ahold of some scissors, and gave herself a haircut. This is her reaction after her mom and I came in and were horrified!

This is Halle and cousin Macey. I think they really look alike. You could see it even more if Halle was awake.

Last Saturday, we had a Lott family get-together. This is Halle playing with Gramee.

Here, she's reading a car magazine with Grampee. She actually looks interested!

Checking out Grampee's Pepsi.

Halle has cut two teeth since I posted last. She cut her first one on February 17th at 3 1/2 months old. I couldn't believe it! She cut the other one yesterday. She's been kind of cranky with them, but overall she's done pretty well.

She's such a little doll. I just have so much fun with her and the camera! She kind of gets entranced by the camera, and freezes when I get it out. It's getting a little better, but I'm very thankful for digital, or I'd have a lot of pictures with no smiles.

This is Halle mid-yell. She has a new "yelling" thing. It's so funny. I guess she's just discovered her voice, and is making the most of it. You can also see her tooth pretty well in this picture. The one on the right (more visible) is the one that has been in a couple of weeks. Right beside it, to the left, is the one that just broke through yesterday.

Halle and I went out for lunch yesterday with a friend. We had so many people stop by our table while we were eating to tell her what a doll baby she is. By the way, don't you love the boots?

This is my Halle girl most of the time....all smiles! She loves to be talked to, and just lights up when she sees Mommy or Daddy. We have so much fun with her.

Alright, last of all, this is a video we got yesterday. Halle has been laughing out loud for about a month, but this is the first time I've been able to catch her on camera. Enjoy!!!