Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Christmas Season

Finally....some long-awaited Christmas pictures. These are the "before" Christmas pictures. I'll post Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together later.
This year, we decided to buy an artificial tree. We put it together while Halle was napping. All it had on it was the lights. When she woke up from her nap, her daddy brought her down to see the tree. She was still very sleepy, but was quite amazed at our 9-ft. Christmas tree. These pictures were of her first look at the tree....

These next few are after it was completely decorated. She absolutely loved the tree, and all the decorations, and did surprisingly well at not taking them off the tree! She had a few little ornaments at the bottom that we let her play with, and that seemed to satisfy her.
She loves her rocking chair (it was Brian's when he was little). She sits in it and says, "Ocky, ocky". She loves to rock her baby doll and her teddy bear.
Doesn't she look big here?

When we got out the greenery and lights to decorate the rest of the house, Halle wanted to sit in the box of greenery. She was being so adorable, I couldn't stop taking pictures!

So ornery!

All dressed up for church... silly....
...and still quite sleepy!

She loves to "drink coffee" from Daddy's cup. (No, we don't really let her drink coffee!) But she says "hot" and also says, "coffee" very plainly.

Our neighbor, Carol, brought Halle an adorable little cat for her Christmas present. Halle was much more interested in Carol's cane!

Our family, all dressed up for a wedding rehearsal
Daddy's girl

Mommy's girl, too

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hurray, Steelers!

Alright, this is totally out of order (since I haven't posted any Christmas pictures yet), but I just had to post a few pictures of our Super Bowl watching party. We had several friends over after church, and had lots of fun (and several near heart attacks!) as the Steelers became the Super Bowl Champs.

Here Halle is sitting with my friend Mary Kay, and practicing her "touchdown" celebration.

Cheering with DaddyHalle and Mommy all decked out in our Steeler shirt complements of my hubby,
Halle's pajamas, complements of Aunt Red, and her jersey, a gift from our friend, Jeannine.

Celebrating after the game....well, sort of....Halle was more excited about the cup she was getting to play with!
Congratulations, Steelers!