Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Princess!

November 3 is a landmark day in the Lott family. One year ago, on November 3, our daughter was born. What a miracle she is! We are so thankful for her. Although it is hard to believe that she already one year old, I can truly say that we have enjoyed every day of this past year.
She is growing so fast! She has 12 teeth. She is walking along furniture quite well, but doesn't seem to have any desire to walk by herself yet. She is already saying many words. Her current favorites are "hot, yucky, and doggy." She already has a sense of humor, and loves to tease. She also loves to play chase. When her daddy pretends to be asleep, she kisses him to wake him up. She loves books. She's becoming a good eater, and really loves "people food." She plays very well with other kids, and especially loves boys. We hope she will outgrow that a little bit! We are so incredibly grateful to God for her, and pray that we can be the parents God wants us to be.
This is Halle and her daddy on Sunday afternoon.

Halle and Daddy a few minutes later, taking a Sunday afternoon nap.
Halle's first birthday cake, for her party at church on Sunday night.
The cake table at church.

Blowing out the candle!
"How do I look?"

Her first bite of cake.

Digging in!
"You should try this, Dad."

Trying out the spoon
Grampee Lott feeding her ice cream.
Playing with new friends, Rachel and Ben.
Gramee Lott and Halle
Grampee, Gramee, Beau (cousin), and Halle
"Is my crown straight?"
Halle and Ben (Halle really loves Ben. She tries to get him to carry her around at church all the time.)
Halle opening presents (with lots of help from Mom). This is a "November" teapot.
Her own Steeler box (made by Judy Foster)!

Her new telephone
Modeling the hat Gramee bought for her.
The following pictures are on Monday, her actual birthday. We got up in the morning and got ready to leave. We drove to Greensburg, because we were buying a mini van. We've been shopping for one for a while, and it just worked out to buy it on Halle's birthday. I would venture to guess that most babies don't get a car for their first birthday!
My beautiful little birthday girl!
"Daddy bought me a van for my birthday!"
We went out to dinner with Grampee and Gramee that evening. Here, Grampee is feeding Halle salad. She loved it!
My little doll baby again. She was the talk of the restaurant (as usual).
She smiles and waves at everyone.
Expressing her opinions
Playing with Daddy
Our family
Playing with Grampee
Gramee feeding Halle a lemon. She actually really liked it, and kept going back for more.
Who's eating the lemon here?
Silly Daddy
Back home, playing with the new blocks we got her for her birthday.
The pajama princess!
We had a great day on Halle's birthday. She still has one party to go! Her family birthday party is on Saturday. I'll be sure to post pictures of that as well.