Saturday, June 14, 2008

May Days

This is Halle at church with our friend, Beth. Beth bought her this adorable outfit, and bought one to match for Ellie, Halle's nursery buddy.

My little long-legged girl loves to chew on her feet.

Nathan wore his sailor outfit too, so I was trying to get pictures of the three of them together.

Halle was really enjoying Nathan....Ellie was just taking it easy!

Halle loves Nathan, and he loves her back....can't you tell?
Halle and Grampee on Memorial Day. Gramee bought Halle this outfit and a patriotic headband to match.
At the Memorial Day parade in Saxonburg.
"Is it really going to rain on my parade?"

She's a flag-waving American! I took these on a Sunday morning. This outfit was gift from our friends, the Creed's. She was being such a little doll. It was hard to stop taking pictures. I almost made us late for church!

My silly girl.

Halle LOVES her swing in the backyard. This was her first time to try it.

This is fun!
"What are you doing, Mom?"
"I'm not ornery at all."

Funny face.
This outfit is a gift from our friends, the Martenn's. Can you tell that Halle has lots of friends, and even more clothes?!

Daddy feeding Halle some applesauce.
Halle's bonnet Gramee bought her. She liked the strings a lot. Halle likes her yogurt!!!
Halle is growing so fast and doing so many new things! She changes almost daily. At her last checkup, she weighed 15 lbs., 12 oz., and was 27 inches long. She waves now, says da-da, ma-ma, bah-bah, guy, and many more sounds. She can give you five, and daddy taught her to "headbutt". She is sitting up fairly well on her own. She now has four teeth, two on top and two on the bottom. She loves see-saw and pattycake. She also loves music. She's really getting quite a personality. She is very silly, and gets really funny at night when she's sleepy. She laughs at everything. She also has quite a temper, and lets you know when she doesn't like something. She's a very pleasant baby, and so much fun!!! I have loads more pictures just from the last week, and I'll try to post more soon. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Family & More

On the Monday before Mother's Day, Halle and I were invited to go to a Mother-Daughter banquet with my mother-in-law. This is Halle and me on the front porch before we left.

Halle and Gramee at the banquet.

Halle was the "belle of the ball".

Giving Gramee kisses.

Halle was playing on the floor and covered her face with a diaper.
She thought she was very did we!

Halle had so much fun playing with her cousin's toy a few weeks ago that we went and bought her one of her own. She loves it!

My sister and her family came and spent a few days with us. Alicia spoke at my Ladies Spring brunch (and did a wonderful job). Halle had a great time playing with her five cousins. Here she is with Audrey (left) and Macey.

This is Alicia, Briley and me at our ladies brunch on May 10. Briley sang with us, and Alicia spoke. We had a great time.

Me and my precious baby girl on Mother's Day morning before we left for church.

Our family at church - Mother's Day