Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Six Months Old

It's so hard to believe our baby girl is six months old! She's a very active baby, and loves to be played with. As you can imagine, she gets quite a bit of attention, and enjoys every minute of it. She really likes to see herself in the mirror!

Halle is quite the Daddy's girl in the past few weeks. She has started crying when he leaves and reaching for him. He loves it!
All dressed up for church...
After church, she was playing on the floor, and I thought she looked like a flower with her dress all spread out.
She liked playing with the sheer layer that was over the dress. It was really funny.
We had a Lott family birthday party, since we had several birthdays close together. Halle was playing in her cousin's toy, and absolutely loved it. Grampee was playing with her here.

I'm starting her early on the piano!
Silly face!

This is my beautiful baby on her six month "birthday".

This is one of her new faces that she makes all the time. She keeps us laughing.

I love dressing her up and taking couldn't tell that, right?

Halle loves the aquarium.

She doesn't quite understand why she can't touch the fish...but she tries!