Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gone, But Not Forgotten

Dear Friends,

I'm sure you think I've entirely forgotten about blogging.  I haven't!  My lack of blogging has been a combination of busyness and frustration.  Our summer (and now fall!) has been incredibly exciting and busy!  My frustration was with trying to load pictures onto the blog.  It was taking FOREVER, and then I would just think I'd have it, and the pictures would move!  Or disappear!  Or be in the wrong order!  Anyways, I have been trying to learn how to blog more efficiently, and am hoping I have it figured out.

I think most of you know that we have a new addition to our family!  Evan Michael Lott arrived on July 24, weighing 4 lbs., 10 oz, and 18 inches long.  He is sooooo precious, and you will be hearing and seeing much more about him.  Because of his arrival, we are planning to change the name of our blog.  I'm still trying to decide on the name, but will let you know soon.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to get caught up on our summer pictures, and "practice" with my new techniques.  Hopefully, they will work!  I'm looking forward to staying in touch with all of you through the blog, and hope to do a much better job of it in the coming weeks and months.

Feel free to leave me feedback.  I love ideas!

My first summer update is going to be of Halle's Adoption Day!  What an exciting and long-awaited event!!!  We were blessed to have all of our local family and friends there with us at the adoption hearing.  Afterwards, we all went out for a special lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.  It was an incredibly joyous and emotional day for us.  Our little Halle Simone Lott is a miracle to us, and a testimony of God's working in our lives and the lives of those around us.  We are so thankful to the Lord for giving her to us!

This is an album of pictures from that special day!

adoption day

I know this is a rather lengthy post, but I want to include this brief essay I wrote of my thoughts after Halle's adoption hearing. Some of you may have seen this on Facebook, but I wanted to include it anyways.

I have been wanting to sit and write my thoughts ever since Halle's adoption was finalized. What a precious day that was! June 11 will always be a momentous day in our family history. There is really not time to write all the details of Halle's story....the way the Lord brought her to us, the way He provided each need we had along the way, the seeming roadblocks in the process to finalization, and finally the fulfillment of the legal aspect of our adoption journey 19 months after we began.

We chose Halle's name because one of the meanings is "unexpected gift." Her coming to us happened so quickly, at least we only knew about her for a few weeks before her arrival. But the wait before that seemed very long....11 years of waiting, praying, wondering, questioning. The roller coaster of hope and disappointment is hard to describe to those who have never been there. But God was so faithful to us and so patient with us through each day. God had a plan all along. I often think of the verse, "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."

Halle's adoption hearing was such a special time. Brian's family was able to come - his mom and dad, four aunts, an uncle, and his cousin and his family. It was so sweet of them to take off work and make the trip to Pittsburgh to share in our special day. My family all lives too far away, but we know that they were with us in heart.

Our attorney was a Christian, and what a blessing that was. He had told us that each of us (Brian and I) would be asked to take the stand and testify. He said that he would ask us questions regarding the permanence of the adoption and our understanding of that, and of our responsibilities as Halle's parents.

Brian went first. I sat there, holding Halle, looking at Brian, then at our family sitting behind us, then at Halle, and was just amazed at the goodness of God in placing such a precious gift in our family. Then it was my turn to take the stand. The attorney began to ask his questions, and as I answered, I began to feel overwhelmed, not just by the emotion of finalizing Halle's place in our family, but at the beautiful picture of how God placed me in His family. I do not have the attorney's questions word for word, but I am going to try to remember them the best I can and share them with you. If you know the Lord, I hope that you will be just as moved as I was as you are reminded of what God has done for you.

The attorney asked,

"Do you realize that by consenting to this adoption, you are acknowledging that you have chosen this child to be your own?"

"Do you realize that according to law, that means she is your child permanently, and that this decree is irrevocable?"

"Do you understand that irrevocable means that this cannot be changed?"

"Do you understand that Halle is being removed from the bloodline of her natural family, and is being placed into the bloodline of your family?"

"Do you understand that this means that she is your legal heir, and is entitled to all the rights of that position?"

"Do you understand that you are responsible for her care and keeping?"

I know that there were more questions, but these particular questions and my answers kept resounding in my mind. I learned that, legally, the bond with an adopted child is stronger even than that of a biological child because you have deliberately chosen this child. You cannot just "change your mind."

What a joy it is to us to have Halle! She is my daughter, born of and in my heart. The certainty and joy I felt in answering each of these questions "yes" cannot be described.

How much more is it a wondrous thing that God has chosen me to be His child! I have been removed from my "natural" bloodline, and have placed into the family of God by the blood of His Son. I am an heir of God, and joint-heir with Christ. He is responsible for my care, and He will never leave me nor forsake me. His commitment to me is not based on my love for Him, or obedience to Him, but on His choice to obligate Himself to me. My placement into His family is irrevocable. How beautiful! How precious! How humbling! I praise Him for His love for me in placing me in His family, and I thank and praise Him for placing Halle in our family.

I am so grateful to every person who has prayed us so faithfully. You have a huge part in our rejoicing. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. It seems that God may add to our family again by adoption. We have been contacted by a birth mother who is due in August. Please pray for the Lord's will regarding this, and that He will work out the details for His glory.

I'll add more soon!


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