Friday, January 18, 2008

Halle in Georgia

Halle became quite the traveler on her first big trip. When we left Knoxville on Friday, we drove to Georgia to visit our church family there. What a wonderful weekend! It was so good to see so many dear friends, and to show Halle to so many people who have prayed for her (and for us) for many years. We stayed with our pastor and his wife, Bud and Jeannie Martenn. They're Halle's other "grandparents". You can't have too many grandparents, right?!

Preacher with Halle

"Nana" with Halle

Marlie with Halle
Kyle, Marlie's boyfriend, with Halle

Danielle, my good friend, holding Halle

Aunt Mary holding Halle

Here we are at Don Lolo, our favorite restaurant. We met our friends, the Smallwoods, there and had a great time, and some great food!

Kristen and Stephen with Halle

Grace holding Halle
Daddy & Mommy with Halle

Halle loves her daddy. She was being so cute!

Camden came over and helped me give Halle her bath

Singing with the choir at Bethel Memorial Baptist Church on Sunday

The kids choir sang that morning too.

Our nieces, Savannah and Mariah, had a special part. They did a beautiful job!

Marlie, Kyle, Brian and I sang. It was so much fun!

Mommy & Halle

1 comment:

Alicia Reagan said...

Love your black and white dress!(and your hair looks great too!!) Once again, very sweet pictures!