Saturday, January 19, 2008

Two Months Old

Halle is growing by leaps and bounds! She went for her two-month checkup on January 3rd, and she weighed 9 lbs., 5 oz., and was 22 3/4 inches long. She is already outgrowing a lot of her newborn and 0-3 months clothing, especially sleepers, because she is so long. The doctor said she is in the 75th percentile on her length. I believe it! She is such a doll baby, and is learning new things every day. She now smiles and coos a lot. She is trying very hard to sit up, and can pull her head and shoulders up off the couch or floor. She is very good at expressing her feelings, especially when she's mad! She fights sleep very hard, but is sleeping fairly well at night, at least most of the time. She usually wakes up once to eat. These are some of her pictures from the last few weeks.

This is Halle in her new bathtub that Mommy and Daddy bought her for Christmas. She absolutely loves to take a bath. She hates getting out! She cries when I put lotion on her, but she has never cried in the bathtub. I'll say that and she'll decide to hate it next week!!! Hopefully not.

This is Halle's new toy we bought with some of the money from her card shower from our friends in Georgia. She really likes it, and has discovered her hands in the last week or so. She is realizing she can actually choose to reach out and touch something.

This is Halle's adorable winter hat that Aunt Alicia bought her for Christmas. I'm not sure Halle knows what to think about it. She looks so serious in these pictures!

Halle playing with her daddy

Can you tell she's suddenly growing hair? She's getting so chubby, too. Here she's sitting in the corner of the couch. I was trying to catch a smile, but she's learned to get serious when she sees the camera come out. I think it scares her.

Here she is again playing with her toy.
This is my little cutie pie, just being cute!

The sweater was a gift from Aunt Alicia, and the slippers were a Christmas gift from her Uncle Asher. I think they're so darling!
Happy Halle

Not-so-happy Halle

That's the latest. My mom and dad are coming in this weekend for her dedication, so I will try to post all the pictures from that sometime next week.

1 comment:

Alicia Reagan said...

I love her in her hat! I also love the picture of her and Brian making a face at each other. They look just alike!!