Friday, January 18, 2008

Time with Tim & Kelsey

Once again, it's been too long since I've posted. I'm going to do a series of short posts, and try to get caught up! After we went to the cabin, we spent two days with Brian's brother, Tim, and his family. Their kids, Beau and Judson, are soooo cute! Beau was just smitten with Halle as you will see.

This is Beau opening his Christmas present....a Thomas the Train book.

Judson got a push-and-go train.
Me opening Halle's present from Uncle Tim and Aunt Kelsey....somehow we didn't get a picture of the beautiful dress they got her. Oops! We'll have to get one this summer when she wears it.
Halle stretching.
Beau holding cousin Halle. He was so adorable with her, and didn't want to give her up, even when she started crying.
Uncle Tim with Halle

Judson...what a cutie!
Aunt Kelsey with Halle
Eating at the Japanese restaurant
Halle doing more stretches...she loves to stretch!

We had a great time, and hope to see them again soon!

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